About the Caïssa Club
Why You Should Join
Founder's Square
- Exclusive dinner for 6 at the World Chess Hall of Fame or Saint Louis Chess Club.
- Private lesson for 2 with renowned Grandmaster.
- Invitations to all VIP and behind-the-scenes events.
- Recognition on the World Chess Hall of Fame's giant, patio chess board (your name solely listed in the King or Queen square) for one year.
- Recognition in the monthly, digital newsletter.*
Grandmaster's Square
- Private lesson for 2 with renowned Grandmaster.
- Invitations to all VIP and behind-the-scenes events.
- Recognition on the World Chess Hall of Fame's giant, patio chess board for one year.
- Recognition in the monthly, digital newsletter.*
Kings and Queens Square
- Invitations to all VIP and behind-the-scenes events.
- Recognition on the World Chess Hall of Fame's giant, patio chess board for one year.
- Recognition in the monthly, digital newsletter.*
Caïssa Square
- Recognition on the World Chess Hall of Fame's giant, patio chess board for one year.
- Recognition in the monthly, digital newsletter.*
- development@saintlouischessclub.org
- 314.361.CHESS (2437)